Make these switches and lose the pooch in 4 days!
Flatten Your Belly In Under a Week!
The Flat Belly Diet 4-day Jumpstart is a great way to reduce belly bloat and start flattening your stomach instantly.
The Jumpstart was created to reduce water retention, eliminate heavy solids, and relieve gas so you will quickly look and feel lighter.
You can lose up to 7 pounds in 4 days!
Make these food swaps and look slimmer fast!
Season Food Differently
Make This Smart Swap
Add zing to your meals with salt-free seasoning blends such as the Original and Italian medley Mrs. Dash®.
Avoid These
Salt, salt-based seasonings, and highly processed foods.
You may be attracted to your saltshaker, but water is, too. When you take in higher than usual amounts of the salty stuff, you’ll temporarily retain more fluid, contributing to that sluggish feeling, a puffy appearance, and extra water weight.
Thirsty? Hit the H20
Make This Smart Swap
A nice carbonated beverage can hit the spot when you're thirsty. But you'll have to skip the bubbles while you're on mission: muffin top. Drink plain old tap water to stay hydrated--and make sure you get at least 8 glasses a day.
One delicious alternative: On the Flat Belly Diet Jumpstart you'll drink Sassy Water (the eating plan's signature drink). The special ingredients aren't just there for flavor, either: the ginger helps calm and soothe your GI tract.
Avoid These
Any carbonated drinks--including diet sodas
Where do you think those tingly bubbles end up? In your belly, causing it to puff out more.
Cut the Carbs
Make This Smart Swap
Use one slice of whole grain bread for your sandwich at lunch and pack extra protein like turkey slices and low-fat string cheese. Swap your afternoon pretzels for nuts or seeds. At dinner, stick to brown rice if must have a starch.
Avoid These
High-carb foods like bagels, pasta, pretzels, and cereals
As a backup energy source, your muscles store a type of carbohydrate called glycogen. Every gram of glycogen is stored with about 3 grams of water. But unless you have a vigorous exercise routine, you don't need all this stockpiled fuel. When you decrease the carbs, you'll temporarily train your body to access this stored fuel and burn it off. At the same time, you'll drain off excess stored fluids.
Shrink Your Fruits and Veggies
Make This Smart Swap
Of course you should eat veggies, just eat them cooked--steaming is quick and easy. (Remember to skip the salt!)
Instead of fresh fruits, eat canned varieties in natural juice or small portions of dried fruit, such as raisins and dried plums.
Avoid These
Any raw vegetables and fresh fruits
A half-cup serving of cooked carrots delivers the same nutrition as one cup raw, but it takes up less room in your GI tract. The same goes for fresh fruits: Compare the size of a few grapes to a few raisins. Big difference!
Hold the Hot Sauce
Make This Smart Swap
Some people love their food four-alarm spicy! If that includes you, you'll have to lay off the barbecue sauce and garlic for a few days while debloating. Give dishes a flavor boost with in-season fresh or dried herbs like dill, basil, mint, sage, tarragon, and rosemary. You can also use curry powder, lemon or lime juice--all perfect with fish or chicken.
Avoid These
Black pepper, nutmeg, cloves, Chili powder, hot sauces, onions, garlic, mustard, barbecue sauce, horseradish, catsup, tomato sauce, vinegar
Spicy foods can stimulate the release of stomach acid, which can cause irritation.
Chuck the Chewing Gum
Make This Smart Swap
If you chew gum by habit or just like to bite down on something crunchy, reach for some nuts, like roasted or raw unsalted sunflower seeds.
Avoid These
You probably don't realize this, but when you chew gum, you swallow air. All that air gets trapped in your GI tract and causes pressure, bloating, and belly expansion--none of which help flatten your middle.
Fried Food Fiasco
Make This Smart Swap
There really isn't a healthy substitute for French fries, fried calamari, and onion rings! So try to take your mind off them altogether. Take a quick 5-minute walk after your fry-less healthy meal. Moving your body helps release air that has been trapped in your GI tract, relieving pressure and--you guessed it--bloating. Naturally you can stroll longer, but you need to walk at least 5 minutes to help get things moving inside your belly.
Avoid These
Anything fried in any way, shape, or form
Fried foods are digested more slowly, causing you to feel way too full. Not to mention unable to zip up your favorite jeans.
Gassy Veggies
Make This Smart Swap
As mentioned earlier, you should eat your veggies cooked--but there are a few to take off your shopping list while debloating. Skip gas-producing veggies like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and legumes; instead cook up green beans, mushrooms, and squash for a delicious dinner side.
Avoid These
Legumes, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions, peppers, and citrus fruits
Certain foods simply create more gas in your GI tract (think: blown-up balloon inside your stomach).
Ditch Diet Foods
Make This Smart Swap
Swear off low-calorie or low-carb products containing sugar alcohols. These sugar substitutes go by the names xylitol or maltitol. Instead, satisfy your sweet tooth by eating any of the fresh fruit substitutes mentioned earlier. Or mix up a refreshing Flat Belly Diet smoothie--each recipe packs a MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids), the Flat Belly Diet powerhouse ingredient that targets belly fat.
Avoid These
Sugar alcohols
Your GI tract can’t absorb most sugar alcohols. Sugar alcohols cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
Steer Clear of Acidic Drinks
Make This Smart Swap
Drink plain tap water or our belly-soothing Sassy Water instead of coffee, tea, juice and alcohol. Think of it as tough love for your tummy.
Avoid These
Alcohol, coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and acidic fruit juices
We realize that giving up your morning cup of joe may be tough to swallow (pun intended!), but it's only for four days. Coffee and the other bad guys of bloat on the "avoid" list are all high-acid beverages that can irritate your GI tract, causing swelling.
Beat Bloat! 10 Smart Food Swaps
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